It’s amazing how Jeremy Lin is living the narrative many in the sports media tried so desperately to ascribe to Timothy Tebow. An underdog rising to the top. Believe me, I understand that it is hard to consider a Harvard graduate an underdog. And to be perfectly honest, in 99% of situations, Lin will not be considered an underdog. But Lin didn’t choose to take 99% of the paths available to him. He didn’t choose to work on Wall Street and dominate the boardroom. He didn’t choose to join his Harvard bretheren and make a move up the ladder to become part of the 1%. When it comes to Lin…he’s taken the road less traveled.
Jeremy Lin decided to shuck “expectations” and follow his dreams. Those dreams have led him to a point that he might never have reached otherwise – even with his Harvard education and connections. Jeremy Lin is now the “next big thing” in the NBA. He is doing things we haven’t seen anyone do before.In his first four starts, Lin averaged 27.3 points per game. Nobody in NBA history has done that before.
Should Knicks’ coach Mike D’Antoni get some of the credit? Sure, after all, his system is built on showcasing the point guard. But the Jeremy Lin phenomenon is not smoke and mirrors. The dude can play a little bit.
Now, during Tebow’s unbelievable romp through the 2011 NFL season, there are more than a handful of times when I asked myself “How is this happening? How does this dude keep winning games?” Like many others, I was willingly allowing the wool to be pulled over my eyes. Tebow’s magic was partly due to smoke and mirrors and partly due to a good defense who kept the game in reach. That’s not the case with Lin. I’ve never once asked myself “How is this happening?” Anyone with eyes can see it. Lin can hit shots. He’s smart with the basketball. He makes good decisions.
He’s not LeBron. He’s not Kobe. But nobody is asking him to be. People are ready to accept Lin and I haven’t met one person who isn’t glad to be along for this ride.